Friday, September 12, 2008


The main charcter in the book im reading is Monster. When he was just 11 he was jumped into the gang life as a Eight Tray Gangters which is a Crip gang. That night he goes out and does a misson and his misson was to go wit his homies and kill these bloods. Tray Ball the learder of the gang told Monster to not come back unless he had emptied all 8 shots of his shot gun. He killed 4 people that night and ever since he has been working his way up to O.G. status.

Another charcter in the book is Lil Monster who is Monsters Lil brother. he wanted to follow in his brothers footsteps and join the Gang Life. He has been arested many times just like his brother and is working he was up through the levels of gang reconitaion.

1 comment:

J. Pingrey said...

I have always been intrigued with this book. I think because it is so compelling to teenagers, but it talks about the character's exploits very frankly, and on a deep level. I am curious why the main character (what is his name?) decided to join the gang. Was it because of where he lived? What his friends were doing? He didn't have anything else to do? I am also curious about the O.G. status; what does that mean for him? Does this give him more power, respect, responsibility? Thanks for sharing!